See things before they happen with Socialprofiler 💫

There has been an explosion of technology that collects data about people and their activities. With the growth of such technologies, how can an individual discern between information that is useful, and that which is just “noise”, potentially clouding the data that is truly actionable?

The RIght Information, at the Right Time.

Data inundates our lives through an almost limitless number of sources. Smart speakers, fitness trackers, robot vacuum cleaners, etc. have a utilitarian function, but they also collect intelligence about their users, all while performing their functions better and better. Some people think this is a bad thing, while others think it improves their standard of living, as the music the speaker selects becomes more relevant to the listener’s taste, the fitness tracker monitors sleep, and the vacuum cleaner navigates the furniture.

We live in a world in which our quality of life must improve and our safety must increase. And it’s all happening thanks to data, including that from social media.

This is where publicly available data verification services come in. Using digital footprints, traffic records, business details, criminal records, carrier information, property and public records, they help professionals that are looking for info about a person. Using people finder services one can easily find phones, public records and sometimes social network profiles of an individual but how do you find out anything about who this person actually is?

Will the average person be able to understand how you are unique using Big Data? Not always, as it requires complex comparative analysis.

What is Socialprofiler?

This is where Sociaprofiler comes into play. Now you can get an understanding of an individual’s interests and how they deviate from the average U.S. user (pic.1). Socialprofiler breaks down a user’s interests by evaluating profiles among numerous social media platforms. We identify and search for red flags that exist with an individual’s interests based on their likes and followings.

pic 1. See the distribution of ‘auto’ interest among users above. The more to the right, the stronger interest is detected.  The red dot on the right is the user. 95% of users are not so interested in ‘auto’ as the particular user. pic 1. See the distribution of ‘auto’ interest among users above. The more to the right, the stronger interest is detected. The red dot on the right is the user. 95% of users are not so interested in ‘auto’ as the particular user.

How does Socialprofiler work?

How much can a social media profile tell you about a person? Photos, posts, comments, followings - it’s a big field for analysis. Personality traits can be evaluated and characterized by the friends an individual keeps. In our case, it’s their followings, posts and pictures as documented from social networks like Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. Using specially developed AI algorithms, Socialprofiler obtains the full lists of people’s interests as indicated in a graph representation below.

pic 2. Interests representation in a graph form

You can zoom in and see which Instagram accounts are linked together (pic 2.). The graph has nodes (usernames) and edges (the lines between the nodes).The closer accounts are to each other the more followers they have in common, so in the end it’s easy to identify a community by interest.

Socialprofiler categorizes a person’s likes and followings into distinct communities to specific interests with great accuracy. Imagine following several well-known automobile brands all at once. It is easy to see that the more brands you follow, the more interested you are in the automobile industry and its products. (pic 2)

pic 3. Interests representation in a graph form. pic 3. Following several well known brands at once will highlight the basic interest to auto

In pic 3, the topic of the post using analysis of the text and its hashtags is illustrated. If most posts contain the word “car”, you are clearly interested in automobiles. Additionally, Socialprofiler also detects distinctive objects in photos from the individual’s postings. If the neural network detected a football ball in the picture of each post, the person is close to a football theme. He or she could be a football fan, a referee, a player or even a coach.

A person’s interests can change dynamically over the course of a lifetime. Social media data gives us a unique opportunity to see everything that happens to a person dynamically and to update their interests instantly. This makes it possible to respond to changes in the real world in a timely manner, for instance when potentially dangerous interests arise.

Probably the most popular case of the war on collecting publicly available data is the lawsuit between LinkedIn and companies that parses content posted on this social network. The Ninth Circuit Appeals Court re-affirmed that the collection of publicly available data is legal and does not violate the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, or CFAA.

Social media allows companies like Socialprofiler to index data on various platforms, including Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. To ensure the integrity of our products, Socialprofiler operates on fundamental principles which include the following:

  • We only access publicly available data
  • We don’t use leaked data
  • We don’t disrupt functioning of any social network

Typically, the data a person leaves behind falls into two types - private & public. Under private data we understand any data that goes through an encrypted channel to a specific company’s repository or hosted on personal device, i.e. photos from your iPhone should never be analyzed or tracked by 3rd party.

On the other hand, everything you post on Instagram, Twitter, e.t.c., when your account is public (not private), belongs to the public and anyone can view your posts.

Is Socialprofiler ethical?

We are ethical and do not pass judgment and this is our biggest difference from any other way of exploring a community of people or getting an opinion about a person. Even state of the art neural networks (GPT-4 chat) have biased judgements about something because they are trained on public opinion about it. And we don’t want to fall into the trap of judgment. We don’t make decisions. We are looking on what people like, follow, and post themselves.

We only collect social data in an ethical way and assign social media account categories. Our users can check if the category is correctly assigned by looking through the accounts that are matched to it. It’s up to the user what interests they might consider a red flag and want to highlight, we only offer an interest search capability on the individual report page.

How to get insights using the Social Profiler?

We compare an individual’s interests to the average U.S. user, to get insight such as if the person is 3 times more than average, has interest in automatic guns or narcotics. To cut through all the data and get graph format in an easy dashboard way (pic 4.).

pic 4.  Dashboard allows you to see at a glance what is going on for each person’s interest and dive into the exact account matches. pic.4 Dashboard allows you to see at a glance what is going on for each person’s interest and dive into the exact account matches

Please, see how you can conveniently profile anyone on Instagram. The only thing you need to know to get such a report is their nickname on the social network or name, state and approximate age.

What are possible Socialprofiler use cases?

  • Here are just a few examples:
  • Pet owners who need to give a dog walker access to their home
  • Individuals looking for a romantic partner
  • Investors looking into the backgrounds of startup founders
  • Tenants seeking suitable landlords
  • Business owners in need of strategic partners
  • Babysitter in search of a trustworthy Parent Client
  • Host families before taking in an exchange student
  • Family members wanting to know more about caregivers
  • Parents wanting to know more their children’s friends, coaches, teachers and school board
  • Groups and communities interested to know if a person is a good match for them based on their interests

…and many many more…

Please, if you have enjoyed using our product and come up with a new case for using it, be sure to tell us about it in the comments below